Ways to stay away:
Know the truth about drugs. Understand the effects on your body and your future!
Run or find others ways to exercise/stay active. This can be used as a way to cope with stress or just kind of release your thoughts while staying in shape.
Find someone you can really trust and rely on... Just talking to a friend can make your day!
Just say NO!!! That is the easy way to stay away from drugs.
Find ways to spend time with your family! This way, there will be time to talk to them about anything on your mind. As Boyd K. Packer said, "Family time is sacred time."
Participate in extra curricular activities or join a club that you will enjoy! (sports, band, etc...)
Find good friends who believe what you believe... It is easier to stick to your values and avoiding bad situations. You need to know that they will always be there for you!
Give yourself some alone time. It can be very healthy for you to go on a walk or write in a journal to think about your life and what you are feeling.
This pictures lists the different influences in a life that could lead to you or someone else using drugs.
Like this video says, there is one choice: YOURS! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uEWEF4NX6jk
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