Saturday, December 7, 2013

You are original!

Everyone is different but we don't have to die the same way as others...

Saturday, November 16, 2013

What can you do?!?

You have the power to help others, like your family and friends, by encouraging them not to do drugs.  If you know someone who is doing drugs, then there are ways you can help them too!


What you can do to prevent drug use...!
-tell the facts and the truth about drugs
-talk to your friends, family, and adults you trust
-make a public announcement about your disapproval of drugs like a Facbook, Twitter, Instagram (etc...) account and encourage others to do the same
-find different ways to let others know about drug use and the negative effects
-take a risk! Do what you think is right in and out of school

Ways to help a friend you know who is using drugs...
-tell them the truth/facts about drugs and their negative effects
-don't stop being friends with someone who uses drugs but instead, help and encourage them to stop... be there for them during hard times with a positive attitude
-don't force them to stop but tell them nicely what you think and why
-it will be hard to stand up to a friend but know that you are dealing with a life or death situation

If you are taking drugs...
-PLEASE STOP! Everyone in this world is important and you need to know that people love you!
-understand the consequences of your choices and how it can affect your future
-talk to a friend about what you are doing and ask them for their help... they can really help
-talk to an adult that you can really trust... know that they will always be there to help out
-think ahead 20 years from now if you keep taking drugs, Where will you be and how would your health be?
-look help by looking at the drug rehabs/center around where you live so you can have a better life

Websites that will help you make a difference! You can also find other websites online for help :)

Risk Factors

There are many things that could influence you to try and use drugs. These factors can help you understand why someone would start using drugs and try to prevent these factors in your life!

There are many things that can lead someone to start using drugs such as...
-drug use among family members
-stressful home environment
-little success in school
-low self-esteem/depression

*Look at the pictures to see more risk factors of drug use*


How to Stay Away from Drugs/Protective Factors

There are many ways to stay away from drugs and people using them!

Ways to stay away:

Know the truth about drugs.  Understand the effects on your body and your future!

Run or find others ways to exercise/stay active.  This can be used as a way to cope with stress or just kind of release your thoughts while staying in shape.

Find someone you can really trust and rely on... Just talking to a friend can make your day!

Just say NO!!! That is the easy way to stay away from drugs.

Find ways to spend time with your family! This way, there will be time to talk to them about anything on your mind. As Boyd K. Packer said, "Family time is sacred time."

Participate in extra curricular activities or join a club that you will enjoy! (sports, band, etc...)

Find good friends who believe what you believe... It is easier to stick to your values and avoiding bad situations. You need to know that they will always be there for you!

Give yourself some alone time.  It can be very healthy for you to go on a walk or write in a journal to think about your life and what you are feeling.

This pictures lists the different influences in a life that could lead to you or someone else using drugs.

Like this video says, there is one choice: YOURS

More details on ways of helping you stay away from drugs:

Statistics (of Drug Use) in USA

Here are some interesting facts about drugs in our country...
This video has many facts about how the government spends extra money due to fighting drugs and other information about jails/prisons.

Americans Spend $57 Billion on Illegal Drugs Each Year

Drug-Related Deaths are Rising

Some more facts...
-more than 60% of teens said drugs were sold, used, or kept at their school
-around 28% of teens know a friend or classmate who has used ecstasy, 17% of these teens knew of more than one user
-15% of 12th graders/high school seniors used prescription drugs but 35% of them think using them regularly is risky
(October, 12) Statistics is among 14-15 year olds...
-marijuana is the most commonly used drug (5.7%)
-prescription type drugs used non-medically (3%) second most common
-inhalants 3rd most common (1.3%) and hallucinogens (1%)

Monday, November 11, 2013

Consequences in Schools (VA and Fairfax County PS)

Consequences at schools in VA:
-law enforcement can check for drugs at your school anytime
-school is required to notify the local law enforcement agency if controlled substance/drug is found
-student can be punished either through school discipline or criminal action
-school can expell students found with controlled substances/drugs
-if student has possession of a substance, it will be confiscated and the student will be charged with controlled possession

For more important details...

Consequences at schools in FCPS:
-suspension from school for minimum of 5 days and maximum of 10 days with a suspension for 30 days of extra-curricular activities and school sponsored events
-any illegal drug violations will be reported to the police
-second violation = school suspension for 10 days and recommendation for expulsion
-student that may be under the influence will have their parent notified of the suspicion

This is the Students Rights and Responsibilites book for where my school is... Go to page 21 for rules against alcohol, tobacco and other drug violations: 

Consequences in Virginia

It is important to know the laws about drug use in your state! So for everyone who lives in Virginia (VA), this is a website that explains what the laws (about drug use) are in VA:

3 main drug crimes in VA:
The crime of drug possession occurs when a person possesses any controlled substance without a valid prescription
The crime of drug sale or distribution occurs when a person sells, provides, gives away, delivers, or distributes a controlled substance.

The crime drug manufacturing occurs when a person produces a controlled substance without legal authorization or possesses chemicals used in the manufacture of a controlled substance with intent to manufacture.
Penalties (Code of Virginia § 18.2-248)
Possession of Schedule I or II controlled substance
Class 5 felony – imprisonment of one to 10 years, or confinement in jail for up to 12 months and a fine of up to $2,500, either or both.
Possession of Schedule III controlled substance
Class 1 misdemeanor – confinement in jail for up to 12 months and a fine of up to $2,500, either or both.
Possession of Schedule IV controlled substance
Class 2 misdemeanor – confinement in jail for up to six months and a fine of up to $1,000, either or both.
Possession of Schedule V controlled substance
Class 3 misdemeanor – fine of up to $500.
Possession of Schedule VI controlled substance
Class 4 misdemeanor – fine of up to $250.
Possession of marijuana, upon conviction, exposes the violator to a misdemeanor conviction for which the punishment is:
Misdemeanor confinement in jail for up to 30 days and a fine of up to $500, either or both.
Upon a second conviction, punishment is confinement in jail for up to one year and a fine of up to $2,500, either or both.
Possession of Schedule I or II controlled substance with the intent to sell or otherwise distribute
Felony conviction - imprisonment from five to 40 years and a fine of up to $500,000.
Upon a second conviction, the violator must be imprisoned for not less than five years but may suffer life imprisonment, and fined up to $500,000.
Possession of Schedules IIIIV, or controlled substance with the intent to sell or otherwise distribute
Misdemeanor conviction - confinement in jail for up to one year and a fine of up to $2,500, either or both.
Possession of less than one-half ounce of marijuana with intent to sell or otherwise distribute
Misdemeanor conviction - confinement in jail for up to one year and a fine of up to $2,500, either or both.
Possession of more than one-half ounce to five pounds of marijuana with intent to sell or otherwise distribute
Felony conviction - imprisonment from one to 10 years, or at the discretion of the jury or the court trying the case without a jury, confinement in jail for up to one year and a fine of up to $2,500, either or both.